Package fife :: Package extensions :: Package serializers :: Module simplexml
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Source Code for Module fife.extensions.serializers.simplexml

  1  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
  3  # #################################################################### 
  4  #  Copyright (C) 2005-2019 by the FIFE team 
  5  # 
  6  #  This file is part of FIFE. 
  7  # 
  8  #  FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
  9  #  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 
 10  #  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
 11  #  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
 12  # 
 13  #  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 14  #  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 16  #  Lesser General Public License for more details. 
 17  # 
 18  #  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
 19  #  License along with this library; if not, write to the 
 20  #  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 
 21  #  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA 
 22  # #################################################################### 
 24  from future import standard_library 
 25  standard_library.install_aliases() 
 26  from builtins import str 
 27  from past.builtins import basestring 
 28  from builtins import object 
 29  import os 
 30  from io import BytesIO, StringIO 
 32  from fife.extensions.serializers import ET, SerializerError, InvalidFormat, \ 
 33                                                                                  NotFound 
 36  EMPTY_XML_FILE="""\ 
 37  <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> 
 38  <Settings> 
 40  </Settings> 
 41  """ 
43 -class SimpleSerializer(object):
44 """ 45 Use this as a base class for custom setting loaders/savers to use with the 46 Setting class. 47 """ 48
49 - def __init__(self, filename=None):
50 pass
52 - def get(self, module, name, defaultValue=None):
53 pass
55 - def set(self, module, name, value, extra_attrs={}):
56 pass
58 - def set(self, module, name, value, extra_attrs={}):
59 pass
61 - def load(self, filename=None):
62 """ 63 @note: If the filename specified is empty this function MUST 64 initialize an empty settings file in whatever format you need. 65 """ 66 pass
68 - def save(self, filename=None):
69 pass
71 - def getModuleNameList(self):
72 """ 73 @note: Returns all the module names that are present in the 74 settings.xml file as a list of strings 75 """ 76 pass
78 - def getAllSettings(self,module):
79 """ 80 @note: Returns all the setting names and values under the Module name 81 module as a dictionary structure 82 """ 83 pass
85 -class SimpleXMLSerializer(SimpleSerializer):
86 """ 87 This class is a simple interface to get and store data in XML files. 88 89 Usage:: 90 from fife.extensions.serializers.simplexml import SimpleXMLSerializer 91 serializer = SimpleXMLSerializer(filename="somefile.xml") 92 serializer.set("module_name", "variable_name", "value") 93 somevariable = serializer.get("module_name", "variable_name", \ 94 "default_value") 95 """
96 - def __init__(self, filename=None):
97 self._file = filename 98 self._tree = None 99 self._root_element = None 100 101 self._initialized = False
103 - def load(self, filename=None):
104 """ 105 Loads the XML file into memory and validates it. 106 107 Raises a SerializerError exception if the file is not specified. 108 109 @param filename: The file to load 110 @type filename: C{str} 111 112 @note: If the file does not exist it will automatically create a blank 113 file for you. 114 """ 115 if filename: 116 self._file = filename 117 118 if not self._file: 119 raise SerializerError("Cannot load file or create file. No " 120 "filename specified!") 121 122 if not os.path.exists(self._file): 123 try: 124 self._tree = ET.parse(BytesIO(EMPTY_XML_FILE)) 125 except TypeError: 126 self._tree = ET.parse(StringIO(EMPTY_XML_FILE)) 127 self._tree.write(self._file, 'UTF-8') 128 else: 129 self._tree = ET.parse(self._file) 130 131 self._root_element = self._tree.getroot() 132 self._validateTree()
134 - def save(self, filename=None):
135 """ 136 Saves the XML file. 137 138 @param filename: The file to save 139 @type filename: C{str} 140 141 @note: This Overwrites the file if it exists. 142 """ 143 if not self._initialized: 144 self.load() 145 self._initialized = True 146 147 if filename: 148 savefile = filename 149 else: 150 savefile = self._file 151 152 if not savefile: 153 raise SerializerError("Cannot save file. No filename specified!") 154 155 # Writes the settings to file 156 self._indent(self._root_element) 157 self._tree.write(savefile, 'UTF-8')
158 159
160 - def getValue(self, e_type, e_value):
161 if e_type == 'int': 162 return int(e_value) 163 elif e_type == 'float': 164 return float(e_value) 165 elif e_type == 'bool': 166 e_value = e_value.lower() 167 if e_value == "" or e_value == "false" or e_value == "no" \ 168 or e_value == "0": 169 return False 170 else: 171 return True 172 elif e_type == 'str' or e_type == 'string': 173 return str(e_value) 174 elif e_type == 'unicode': 175 return str(e_value) 176 elif e_type == 'list': 177 return self._deserializeList(e_value) 178 elif e_type == 'dict': 179 return self._deserializeDict(e_value)
180 181
182 - def get(self, module, name, defaultValue=None):
183 """ Gets the value of a specified variable 184 185 @param module: Name of the module to get the variable from 186 @param name: Variable name 187 @param defaultValue: Specifies the default value to return if the 188 variable is not found 189 @type defaultValue: C{str} or C{unicode} or C{int} or C{float} or 190 C{bool} or C{list} or C{dict} 191 """ 192 if not self._initialized: 193 self.load() 194 self._initialized = True 195 196 if not isinstance(name, basestring): 197 raise AttributeError("SimpleXMLSerializer.get(): Invalid type for " 198 "name argument.") 199 200 #get the module tree: for example find tree under module FIFE 201 moduleTree = self._getModuleTree(module) 202 element = None 203 for e in moduleTree: 204 if e.tag == "Setting" and e.get("name", "") == name: 205 element = e 206 break 207 else: 208 return defaultValue 209 210 e_value = element.text 211 e_strip = element.get("strip", "1").strip().lower() 212 e_type = str(element.get("type", "str")).strip() 213 214 if e_value is None: 215 return defaultValue 216 217 # Strip value 218 if e_strip == "" or e_strip == "false" or e_strip == "no" \ 219 or e_strip == "0": 220 e_strip = False 221 else: e_strip = True 222 223 if e_type == "str" or e_type == "unicode": 224 if e_strip: e_value = e_value.strip() 225 else: 226 e_value = e_value.strip() 227 228 # Return value 229 e_value = self.getValue(e_type,e_value) 230 231 return e_value
233 - def set(self, module, name, value, extra_attrs={}):
234 """ 235 Sets a variable to specified value. 236 237 @param module: Module where the variable should be set 238 @param name: Name of the variable 239 @param value: Value to assign to the variable 240 @type value: C{str} or C{unicode} or C{int} or C{float} or C{bool} or 241 C{list} or C{dict} 242 @param extra_attrs: Extra attributes to be stored in the XML-file 243 @type extra_attrs: C{dict} 244 """ 245 if not self._initialized: 246 self.load() 247 self._initialized = True 248 249 if not isinstance(name, basestring): 250 raise AttributeError("SimpleXMLSerializer.set(): Invalid type for " 251 "name argument.") 252 253 moduleTree = self._getModuleTree(module) 254 e_type = "str" 255 256 if isinstance(value, bool): # This must be before int 257 e_type = "bool" 258 value = str(value) 259 elif isinstance(value, int): 260 e_type = "int" 261 value = str(value) 262 elif isinstance(value, float): 263 e_type = "float" 264 value = str(value) 265 elif isinstance(value, str): 266 e_type = "unicode" 267 value = str(value) 268 elif isinstance(value, list): 269 e_type = "list" 270 value = self._serializeList(value) 271 elif isinstance(value, dict): 272 e_type = "dict" 273 value = self._serializeDict(value) 274 else: 275 e_type = "str" 276 value = str(value) 277 278 for e in moduleTree: 279 if e.tag != "Setting": continue 280 if e.get("name", "") == name: 281 e.text = value 282 break 283 else: 284 attrs = {"name":name, "type":e_type} 285 for k in extra_attrs: 286 if k not in attrs: 287 attrs[k] = extra_attrs[k] 288 elm = ET.SubElement(moduleTree, "Setting", attrs) 289 elm.text = value
291 - def remove(self, module, name):
292 """ 293 Removes a variable 294 295 @param module: Module where the variable should be set 296 @param name: Name of the variable 297 """ 298 if not self._initialized: 299 self.load() 300 self._initialized = True 301 302 if not isinstance(name, basestring): 303 raise AttributeError("SimpleXMLSerializer.set(): Invalid type for " 304 "name argument.") 305 306 moduleTree = self._getModuleTree(module) 307 308 for e in moduleTree: 309 if e.tag != "Setting": continue 310 if e.get("name", "") == name: 311 moduleTree.remove(e)
313 - def getModuleNameList(self):
314 """ 315 @return A list of the names of the modules in the XML file as strings. 316 """ 317 318 # Make sure the file has been loaded, if not load it. 319 if not self._initialized: 320 self.load() 321 self._initialized = True 322 323 moduleNames = [] 324 for c in self._root_element: 325 if c.tag == "Module": 326 name = c.get("name","") 327 if not isinstance(name, basestring): 328 raise AttributeError("SimpleXMLSerializer.get(): Invalid " 329 "type for name argument.") 330 331 moduleNames.append(name) 332 return moduleNames
334 - def getAllSettings(self, module):
335 settingsFromFile = {} 336 337 # if file has not been loaded, load the file 338 if not self._initialized: 339 self.load() 340 self._initialized = True 341 342 # get the module tree, as we want to get values for module FIFE only 343 moduleTree = self._getModuleTree(module) 344 345 # now from the tree read every value, and put the necessary values 346 # to the list 347 for e in moduleTree: 348 if e.tag == "Setting": 349 name = e.get("name", "") 350 351 # check the name 352 if not isinstance(name, basestring): 353 raise AttributeError("SimpleXMLSerializer.get(): Invalid " 354 "type for name argument.") 355 element = e 356 357 e_value = element.text 358 e_strip = element.get("strip", "1").strip().lower() 359 e_type = str(element.get("type", "str")).strip() 360 361 # Strip value 362 if e_strip == "" or e_strip == "false" \ 363 or e_strip == "no" or e_strip == "0": 364 e_strip = False 365 else: e_strip = True 366 367 if e_type == "str" or e_type == "unicode": 368 if e_strip and e_value: 369 e_value = e_value.strip() 370 else: 371 if e_value: 372 e_value = e_value.strip() 373 374 # get the value 375 e_value = self.getValue(e_type,e_value) 376 settingsFromFile[name] = e_value 377 378 return settingsFromFile
380 - def _validateTree(self):
381 """ 382 Iterates the XML tree and prints warning when an invalid tag is found. 383 384 Raises an InvalidFormat exception if there is a format error. 385 """ 386 for c in self._root_element: 387 if c.tag != "Module": 388 raise InvalidFormat("Invalid tag in " + self._file + \ 389 ". Expected Module, got: " + c.tag) 390 elif c.get("name", "") == "": 391 raise InvalidFormat("Invalid tag in " + self._file + \ 392 ". Module name is empty.") 393 else: 394 for e in c: 395 if e.tag != "Setting": 396 raise InvalidFormat("Invalid tag in " + self._file + \ 397 " in module: " + c.tag + \ 398 ". Expected Setting, got: " + \ 399 e.tag) 400 elif c.get("name", "") == "": 401 raise InvalidFormat("Invalid tag in " + self._file + \ 402 " in module: " + c.tag + \ 403 ". Setting name is empty" + e.tag)
405 - def _getModuleTree(self, module):
406 """ 407 Returns a module element from the XML tree. If no module with the 408 specified name exists, a new element will be created. 409 410 @param module: The module to get from the settings tree 411 @type module: C{string} 412 """ 413 if not isinstance(module, basestring): 414 raise AttributeError("Settings:_getModuleTree: Invalid type for " 415 "module argument.") 416 417 for c in self._root_element: 418 if c.tag == "Module" and c.get("name", "") == module: 419 return c 420 421 # Create module 422 return ET.SubElement(self._root_element, "Module", {"name":module})
424 - def _indent(self, elem, level=0):
425 """ 426 Adds whitespace, so the resulting XML-file is properly indented. 427 Shamelessly stolen from 428 """ 429 i = os.linesep + level*" " 430 if len(elem): 431 if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): 432 elem.text = i + " " 433 if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): 434 elem.tail = i 435 for elem in elem: 436 self._indent(elem, level+1) 437 if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): 438 elem.tail = i 439 else: 440 if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): 441 elem.tail = i
442 443 # FIXME: 444 # These serialization functions are not reliable at all 445 # This will only serialize the first level of a dict or list 446 # It will not check the types nor the content for conflicts. 447 # Perhaps we should add a small serialization library?
448 - def _serializeList(self, list):
449 """ Serializes a list, so it can be stored in a text file """ 450 return " ; ".join(list)
452 - def _deserializeList(self, string):
453 """ Deserializes a list back into a list object """ 454 if not string: 455 return list() 456 return string.split(" ; ")
458 - def _serializeDict(self, dict):
459 """ Serializes a list, so it can be stored in a text file """ 460 serial = "" 461 for key in dict: 462 value = dict[key] 463 if serial != "": serial += " ; " 464 serial += str(key)+" : "+str(value) 465 466 return serial
468 - def _deserializeDict(self, serial):
469 """ Deserializes a list back into a dict object """ 470 if not serial: 471 return dict() 472 dict = {} 473 items = serial.split(" ; ") 474 for i in items: 475 kv_pair = i.split(" : ") 476 dict[kv_pair[0]] = kv_pair[1] 477 return dict